The Winery... The Production... The Wine from Romagna...
The Romagna has always been a land of agriculture and vineyards cultivation, as testified by many archaeological finds. Most of them are Etruscan (the Attic amphora of Savignano is really worth mentioning), while the first written evidences date back to the Roman age: Pliny the Old reports that the wines from Cesena "are generous".

Between the 13th and 14th centuries the Albana appears: Pietro de' Crescenzi asserts "
… the [Albana] wine is very strong and of noble taste, long time keeping and on average mellow... [it is] at its best in Forlì and in the whole Romagna, where it is very strictly pruned ". (Albana has been the first Italian white wine to get the D.O.C.G.!!) Dante, who in his Purgatorio -referring to the Marquis Giovanni of the Orgogliosi- writes, also mentions the wines of this area:
Vidi messer Marchese, ch'ebbe spazio già di bere a Forlì con men secchezza, e sì fu tal, che non si sentì sazio." Obviously the vines cultivated in the hilly areas have a better production capacity and quality, due both to the nature basically argillaceous or marly-arenaceous, however droughty towards the summer's end when the grapes ripen, and to the fact that an extensive cultivation is not possible. Montelorenzone vineyards are to be found there, on these loose and tufa grounds, overlooking the river Savio Valley, S. Lucia's little church and the old tower of Roversano Castle.

Azienda Agricola Montelorenzone
Via Comunale S. Lucia, 870 S. Lucia - Cesena
Tel. e Fax +39 0547 - 326060